High-mass stars play a crucial role in the evolution of their host galaxies, in spite of which their early formation processes remain poorly understood. G328.24−0.55 is a good source for studying the physical processes of ongoing high-mass star formation activities, such as outflows and rotating structures. This study aimed to improve our understanding of some physical processes of high-mass star forming region. The continuum and spectral lines ALMA band 6 data of G328.24−0.55 were analyzed using CASA package. The ALMA continuum image revealed 5 dust continuum cores, namely MM1a, MM1b, MM1c, MM2 and MM3. The masses of MM1a, MM1b, MM1c, MM2 and MM3 were calculated to be 23.2, 16.1, 12.0, 9.8 and 14.9Mʘ, respectively. A total of 70, 49, 26, 7 and 8 transitions of molecular lines were identified towards MM1a, MM1b, MM1c, MM2 and MM3, respectively. The excitation temperatures of MM1a, MM1b and MM1c were estimated to be ∼ 183, 168 and 110 K, respectively. MM2 and MM3 lack multiple transitions of molecular lines to determine their excitation temperatures. Multiple outflows traced by CO emission are seen toward MM1. A rotating structure traced by methanol emission was identified towards MM1a. The presence of 6.7 GHz methanol maser in MM1a is a strong indication that it is a massive protostar and a good site to test some theories of the early evolutionary stages of high-mass stars.
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