Soebur Razzaque
(University of Johannesburg)
Detected on the 9th of October in 2022, the brightest of all time (BOAT) gamma-ray burst GRB 221009A has been estimated to occur once per 10,000 years by extrapolating gamma-ray fluence distribution of known GRBs to the fluence of GRB 221009A. It would be a large coincidence if such a GRB occurred in the approximately 50 years that humanity has had the ability to detect such bursts. Here we propose that GRB 221009A is part of a separate, nearby population of narrow-jet GRBs. This population can allow GRBs as bright or brighter than 221009A to occur as often as once every 200 years without over-producing the observed rate of other GRBs. We explore observational implications of this model in optical and radio bands.
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Primary author
Soebur Razzaque
(University of Johannesburg)