Ronald Ssembatya
(Kyambogo university)
Precise estimation of exoplanet-host star properties is essential in our understanding of exoplanetary systems. This relies on the strong synergy between stellar and planetary science. Using the 2-meter telescope at Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, we obtain spectroscopic observations of a sample of exoplanet-hosts in the planned PLATO viewing zone, and combine them with precise Gaia parallaxes to perform detailed modeling of these stars. We derive robust exoplanet-host properties (mainly mass, radius, and age) using a new machine learning tool (MAISTEP), trained on stellar model grids with varying treatment of input model physics, such as element diffusion and core overshoot.
Stream | Science |
Primary author
Ronald Ssembatya
(Kyambogo university)
Benard Nsamba
(Kyambogo university, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)