XTE J1701-462 is a neutron star low mass X-ray binary (NS LMXB), the only source apart from Cir X-1 to present Z and Atoll source properties. NS LMXBs are classified Z- or Atoll based on the patterns traced out by the X-ray colour-colour diagrams (CDs) or the hardness intensity diagrams (HIDs) when the hard and soft X-ray colours plotted against each other reveal either a Z shape track traversed on time-scales of hours to days or 'banana - island' shape over days to weeks. XTE J1701-462 was first discovered in 2006 when it went into outburst and the lightcurve revealed the transition from Z to Atoll behaviour. The source recently went into outburst (2022 - 2023) since the discovery and we observed it nearly weekly with MeerKAT at 1.28 GHz as part of ThunderKAT, one of MeerKAT's Large Survey Programmes. The first radio detection was on the 16th September 2022 and we continued detecting the source till it went radio quiet in mid December 2022. We present the radio analysis as well as X-ray analysis for quasi-simultaneous observations taken with MAXI. We also place the source on the radio | X-ray plane, illustrating it is positioned at high X-ray luminosities, close to the Z sources as expected.
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