The target star of this research, HD68695, has characteristics of a young star with its age estimated to be about 7.3 million years by Arun et al. (2019). Murphy et al. (2018) observed strong emission in Hβ concluding that HD 68695 did not appear to be a λ-Böotis star and therefore its membership in the class was uncertain. Furthermore, Murphy et al. (2020), and Medupe et al. (2019) using Mahikeng Astronomical Observatory (MAO) data and Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT-South) data have shown that HD 68695 pulsates with a period of 23 min. This is on the longest part of the roAp star pulsation period range, and on the shorter part of the δ-Scuti range. Murphy et al. (2020) claims this star is a pulsating λ-Böotis star. We obtained high resolution spectrum of HD 68695 using SALT HRS in October 2024. We present analysis of this spectrum to show you some interesting features and some spectral fitting to some of the lines. We aim to perform detailed abundance analysis so that we can confirm if classifying this star as a pulsating λ-Böotis star is correct.
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