In this study, we have determined the orbital and physical parameters of an eclipsing binary system. We used the presented and calculated parameters in the catalog of eclipsing binaries, which were obtained from the original Kepler field data. Also, we used this catalog to determine the evolution of stars in eclipsing binaries and to determine the orbital and physical properties of these within the stellar mass range of 0.302 $M_{\odot}$ to 1.512 $M_{\odot}$. The parameters that we have performed include the temperature, the primary and secondary luminosities, the total mass, the orbital period, the orbital angular momentum, the bolometric magnitude, and the Roche lobe radius of the donor star. We have also examined the internal stellar structure of stars in these systems between the theoretical models of the zero-age mainsequence and terminal-age mainsequence phases using the polytropic model and the loss of $J_{orb}$ mechanism. The binary stellar evolution models and the observational data from the catalog of eclipsing binaries have been used in these computations. We seek to improve our knowledge of stellar systems and the physical mechanisms influencing their behavior by examining and parameterizing the properties and evolution of eclipsing binaries.
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