Understanding the thicknesses of disk galaxies is crucial to further determine galaxy properties such as the volumetric star formation law and the shape of dark matter halo. The neutral hydrogen (HI) component stands out due to its ubiquity in disk galaxies and its tight connection to star formation and feedback in galaxies. In this project, we examine the HI scale heights h of four edge-on MHONGOOSE galaxies using a purely photometric method at z ~ 0 and find the presence of both an HI thin and thick disk with typical values of h_thin = 0.7 - 1.4 kpc and h_thick = 1.4 - 3.6 kpc. We report good relationships between the HI scale height with the HI radius and HI mass that could be in accordance with the size-mass relation. Our findings also show correlations between the HI thicknesses and SFR suggesting support for the galactic fountain model in the formation of the HI thick disc. Additionally, we observe that the HI scale heights are affected by galaxy environment.
Stream | Science |