The geomagnetic cut-off rigidity plays a crucial role in modulating cosmic ray (CR) particles as they interact with Earth's atmosphere. The study examine variations in the geomagnetic effects across high, mid, and low-latitude McMurdo (MCMD), CALGARY (CALG), and EMILIO SEGRE (ESO) neutron monitor (NM) stations from 1999 to 2006. The fully automated algorithm calculated and catalogued 43, 205 and 97 Forbush decreases (FDs), respectively from MCMD, CALG and ESO NM stations. Our analysis reveals the following key findings: (i) FD events occur more frequently when the interplanetary magnetic field component Bz is near 0nT, as observed when Bz dips into negative or slightly positive values (ii) the intensity of FD varies with location, with the CALG station showing the largest decreases, while the ESO station shows the smallest(iii)significant geomagnetic storms, indicated by the Dst index reaching values as low as -200nT, occurred around 2001-2002 and 2003-2004 (iv) among the three NM stations, CALG recorded the largest FD magnitude of -75.8%, while MCMD, ESO stations recorded the smallest FD magnitude of -23.6% and -27.8% indicating a weaker response to Forbush decreases (v) 25 simultaneous FD for the three NMs.
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