20–28 Mar 2025
Emperors Palace Hotel Casino Convention Resort
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

On a Plausible Solution to the Hubble Tension via the Hypothesis of Cosmologically Varying Fundamental Natural Constants

Not scheduled
Emperors Palace Hotel Casino Convention Resort

Emperors Palace Hotel Casino Convention Resort

64 Jones Rd, Kempton Park, Johannesburg, 1620


Golden Gadzirayi Nyambuya (National University of Science and Technology)


We herein present what we propose could be a plausible solution to the current, in-interesting and topical problem in cosmology — the Hubble Tension. This problem of the Hubble tension seems to have thrown all of cosmology into a crisis. By employing the seemingly temarious hypothesis of varying Fundamental Natural Constants (FNCs), namely Planck's constant, h, we demonstrate that for the case where the cosmological Interstellar Medium (ISM) is a perfect vacuo with a refractive index of unity, the supernovae derived H0-value can be brought down from its current lofty height of: 73.30 ± 1.03 km/s/Mpc, down to a more humble and modest value of: 68.70 ± 0.30 km/s/Mpc, and within the margins of error, this new value is in agreement with the Tip of the Red Giant Branch (TRGB) derived H0-value, namely: 69.80 ± 2.20 km/s/Mpc, and this is much closer to the CMB-derived H0-value: 67.40 ± 0.50 km/s/Mpc. At a 2.2σ-level of statistical significance in discrepancy, this new H0-value reduces the tension by 88%, and this surely is a most welcome development. On the other hand, if the ISM is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic with a slightly varying, if not near constant refractive index, for most photon wavelengths, then, a refractive index value of: 1.010 ± 0.006, does bring the new SNe-derived H0-value into complete and total concordance with the CMB-derived H0-value, thus resolving the tension altogether. The final concordance H0-value that matches or resolves both measurements after a final correction of the ISM's refractive index is found to be: 68.00 ± 0.90 km/s/Mpc.

Stream Science

Primary author

Golden Gadzirayi Nyambuya (National University of Science and Technology)

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