Observational studies have shown mixed results regarding whether luminous quasars reside in overdense or underdense regions. We studied the environments of three hyperluminous obscured quasars, specifically focusing on Hot Dust-Obscured Galaxies (Hot DOGs). In this talk, I will focus on surveying Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) in the vicinity of these three Hot DOGs to better characterize the richness and evolutionary state of their environments. We optimized the LBG photometric selection criteria at the redshift of each target using the COSMOS2020 catalog. When comparing the density of LBG candidates found in the vicinity of these Hot DOGs with that in the COSMOS2020 catalog, we find overdensities of $\delta = 1.83 \pm 0.08$ ($\delta' = 7.49 \pm 0.68$), $\delta = 4.67 \pm 0.21$ ($\delta' = 29.17 \pm 2.21$), and $\delta = 2.36 \pm 0.25$ ($\delta' = 11.60 \pm 1.96$) around W0410--0913, W0831+0140, and W2246--0526, respectively, with (without) contamination correction. We observed a larger overdensity of LBGs around the Hot DOGs, suggesting that they reside in dense environments. We speculate that our results imply that Hot DOGs may be excellent tracers of protoclusters.
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