Fast rotating massive pulsators in eclipsing binaries are suitable probing power houses for interior mixing and angular momentum transport in massive stars. Different mixings have been prescribed such as convective mixing in which only matter is mixed and penetrative mixing in which matter and heat are mixed. These mixing processes increase the core mass of the star and are greatly impacted by fast internal rotation. The fast internal rotation also has a far reaching effect on the binary configuration as it overpowers the tidal forces between the components resulting in non-synchronicity of orbital spin. This research aims to investigate the structure and evolutionary characteristics of fast rotating beta Cep pulsators via ensemble asteroseismology as well as asteroseismology of individual targets. For the ensemble, we applied statistical analysis to determine the pulsation characteristics and how they are impacted by tidal forces between the components in eclipsing binaries. Using one target in the ensemble as an example,we conducted detailed analysis of the evolution. We obtained the absolute parameters of the target using Wilson-Deviney (WD) code, then built the evolution and pulsation models with the Modules for Experiment in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA) and GYRE respectively using the convective mixing prescription, appropriate nuclear opacity table e.t.c. From the models, we inferred the core mass and other properties of the target. We further identified the actual modes (l,m) of the target using ground-based multicolour photometric data. For systems in the ensemble where ground-based multicolour photometric follow-up is not practicable, the modes are identified via rotational splitting of modes, which arises from non-spherical rotationally induced distortions of the stars. By probing binarity and pulsations, the work has described detailed evolutionary properties of beta Cep pulsators in eclipsing binaries. The results are further discussed.
Stream | Science |