This study presents an investigation of analysis of photometric variable Pre-Main Sequence stars in the star-forming region Sharpless 2-86 (Sh2-86). Sh2-86 is a prominent HII region located in the Vulpecula constellation, known for its active star formation and is part of the larger Vulpecula OB1 association. We identified the young stellar objects (YSOs) census using the method described by Gutermuth et al. (2009), by using data from the Spitzer Space Telescope (IRAC and MIPS), 2MASS, and UKIDSS near-infrared data. We utilized TESS light curves, processed with the Eleanor pipeline, to determine the periodicity and variability of these YSOs, and classified them into Classical T Tauri stars (CTTS), Weak-line T Tauri stars (WTTS), and binaries. Additionally, we analyzed Gaia data to estimate the membership of the identified YSOs in Sh2-86 and calculated the distance to the region using both parallax data and color-magnitude diagram (CMD) fitting of isochrones.
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