Context. Accreting ultracompact binaries contain a white dwarf that is accreting from a degenerate object and have orbital periods shorter than 65 minutes.
Aims. The aims of this letter are to report the discovery and the orbital period of four new eclipsing accreting ultracompact binaries found using the Zwicky Transient Facility, and to discuss their photometric properties.
Methods. We searched through a list of 4171 dwarf novae compiled using the Zwicky Transient Facility and used the Box Least Square method to search for periodic signals in the data.
Results. We found four new eclipsing accreting ultracompact binaries with orbital periods between 25.9-56 minutes, one of which is previously published as an AM CVn, while the other three systems are new discoveries. The other two shorter period systems are likely also AM CVn systems, while the longest period system with a period of 56 minutes shows multiple super-outbursts observed in two years which is more consistent with it being a Helium-CV.
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