The Euclid mission and MeerKAT radio telescope together provide an unparalleled opportunity to study galaxy evolution during cosmic noon (1 < z < 3), a key epoch for star formation. This project focuses on the Euclid Deep Field South (EDFS, 23 deg²), combining Euclid’s multi-wavelength data with MeerKAT’s deep radio sensitivity to construct a catalogue of star-forming galaxies. The catalogue will serve as a foundation for investigating how the cosmic environment influences star formation rates (SFRs) during this pivotal period.
In this poster, I will present the scientific motivation for the project, the synergy between Euclid and MeerKAT, and the methods employed for data calibration and catalogue construction. I will also discuss the theoretical framework underpinning the role of environment in galaxy evolution and the challenges of integrating multi-wavelength datasets.
This work lays the groundwork for future analyses exploring the relationship between galaxy environments and SFRs at cosmic noon, contributing to our understanding of galaxy evolution in large-scale structures.
Stream | Science |