20–28 Mar 2025
Emperors Palace Hotel Casino Convention Resort
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Probing Star Formation Rates in the Euclid Deep Field South Using MeerKAT Observations

Not scheduled
Emperors Palace Hotel Casino Convention Resort

Emperors Palace Hotel Casino Convention Resort

64 Jones Rd, Kempton Park, Johannesburg, 1620


The Euclid mission and MeerKAT radio telescope together provide an unparalleled opportunity to study galaxy evolution during cosmic noon (1 < z < 3), a key epoch for star formation. This project focuses on the Euclid Deep Field South (EDFS, 23 deg²), combining Euclid’s multi-wavelength data with MeerKAT’s deep radio sensitivity to construct a catalogue of star-forming galaxies. The catalogue will serve as a foundation for investigating how the cosmic environment influences star formation rates (SFRs) during this pivotal period.

In this poster, I will present the scientific motivation for the project, the synergy between Euclid and MeerKAT, and the methods employed for data calibration and catalogue construction. I will also discuss the theoretical framework underpinning the role of environment in galaxy evolution and the challenges of integrating multi-wavelength datasets.

This work lays the groundwork for future analyses exploring the relationship between galaxy environments and SFRs at cosmic noon, contributing to our understanding of galaxy evolution in large-scale structures.

Stream Science

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