In the talk I discuss a novel approach to leverage the anisotropy of the HI 21-cm signal, traditionally used to study the astrophysics of the reionization era, as a powerful diagnostic for post-reionization dark energy. These findings demonstrate that the anisotropy probe achieves a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of approximately 10, measurable in both auto-correlation and cross-correlation with the Lyman-$\alpha$ forest across a broad range of redshifts and scales. By extracting the BAO signature imprinted on the anisotropy signal, we propose precise measurements of the angular diameter distance, $D_A(z)$, and Hubble parameter, $H(z)$. Furthermore, I present constraints on a dark energy model incorporating a negative cosmological constant alongside a quintessence scalar field, finding consistency with projections from next-generation observations like SKA-Mid. This work highlights the transformative potential of HI 21-cm anisotropy as a window into the nature of dark energy and based on our recent work on ArXiv: 2405.03195.
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