Affordable Multiple Aperture Spectroscopy Explorer (AMASE) is an optical spectroscopic survey of the ionized gas in Milky Way and all Local Group star-forming galaxies at spatial scales of 0.1 to 100 pc and a spectral resolution of 𝝈 = 8.5 km s^-1. Key emission lines captured include Hα, Hβ, HeII, and strong emission lines of forbidden OI, OIII, NII, and SII in two windows between 4640-5092 Å and 6250-6850 Å. These data will be used to uncover the process driving outflows in star-forming regions, to calibrate the metallicity measurements and photoionization models, and to understand the origin of the diffuse ionized gas. AMASE will pair many identical multi-fibre spectrographs with an array of telephoto lenses to achieve integral field spectroscopy at half-arcminute resolution over large areas of the sky. This is enabled by a significant reduction in the cost of each spectrograph relative to typical astronomical spectrographs of comparable performance. Cost-reduction is achieved by fibre-coupling and reducing the beam size to match commercial photographic lenses and large-format, small-pixel CMOS detectors. High performance is achieved by recent advances in detectors, optical coatings and new grating technology (fused-silica etched gratings that outperform even volume phase holographic gratings). In this talk the speaker will discuss the scientific motivation and update on the instrument development progress.
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